Knowledge Hub

What is the $BKN?

The $BKN is the Powerhouse of the Brickken Ecosystem. It is used for Clients to tokenize their assets aswell as for Holders to participate in protocol governance & investing in tokenized Real World Assets (RWA's) through the Digital Asset Platform


Ethereum (Main): 0x0A638F07ACc6969abF392bB009f216D22aDEa36d

Binance Smart Chain (Secondary): 0x0e28bC9B03971E95acF9ae1326E51ecF9C55B498

BASE: 0xddB293BB5C5258F7484A94a0fBd5c8B2F6E4e376

Avalanche: 0xd44E4Dc8bdF7C1c62CfDBb182022097BA42Ac6bC

Official $BKN Links

wBKN & BKN Staking:

Public Round Claiming:

Where to Buy $BKN





BKN Public Round (Vesting)

  1. Can I claim my Public Round tokens on BSC?

Yes, one of the main reasoning for claiming the BKN on BNB was to ensure lower transaction fees for Brickkeneers looking to recurrently claim their tokens in accordance with the vesting without incurring significant fees from doing so. Consequently, the tokens will only be claimable on BNB, and later bridged back to Ethereum is desired.

  1. I bought tokens in the public round and never received them

Please claim your tokens here Public Round Claiming:


This document is for educational and experimental purposes only.

This document is provided by the Brickken team and does not in any way represent technical, legal, compliance, regulatory, financial or investment advice.

Due to various risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to, technological developments and industry conditions, the actual performance and development of items described herein may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated herein.

Brickken does not accept any obligation to provide recipients with any additional information, or to update, expand, revise and/or amend the information herein, or to correct any inaccuracies which may become apparent. Although all information and views expressed herein are provided in good faith, estimates and assumptions made by Brickken’s team, make no representation or warranty (expressed or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of the information herein, and no assurance is provided that actual results will be consistent with the descriptions and projections herein.

This document is not a prospectus and does not constitute or form any part of any offer or invitation to subscribe for, underwrite or purchase the “BKN” utility token or, nor shall it form the basis of, or be relied upon, in any way, in connection with any decision relating to the utility token “BKN” issued by Brickken.

The “BKN” utility token is needed to be able to use the decentralized application (dApp) as this document explains. The sale and transfer of the “BKN” utility tokens will be performed by Brickken. No person is bound to enter any contract or binding legal commitment in relation to the sale and purchase of the “BKN” utility tokens. Any agreement between the token provider and an investor/s in relation to the sale and purchase of “BKN” utility tokens is to be governed solely by a separate set of documents setting out the terms and conditions of such agreement.

In the event of any inconsistencies between what is established in this whitepaper, and the terms and conditions of the purchase and sale of “BKN”, the terms and conditions of the relevant purchase and sale agreement shall supersede the whitepaper. Brickken reserves the right to decline the sale of BKN during its private placement of utility tokens to any individual or business in the event of a breach of its core principles.

Regulatory authorities have not examined the information included in this paper; thus, no approval has been granted toward the information set out in this whitepaper in any jurisdiction.

Advances in innovation related to quantum computing and smart contract exploitation may present risks to Brickken.

There is no guarantee that Brickken will deliver on the content established in this document or achieve its objectives. Brickken’s proposed decentralized application (dApp) running on the Ethereum Blockchain may fail, be abandoned, or be delayed for several reasons, including but not limited to lack of funding, lack of commercial success and other external factors.

Stake your $BKN

When you choose to stake your $BKN tokens, you are playing a pivotal role in ensuring both the security and the continuous development of the Brickken Ecosystem. This act of staking not only showcases your trust in the system but also acts as a reinforcing agent that amplifies the strength and resilience of the ecosystem.

Stakers, by committing their tokens for a duration of 12 months, can anticipate a lucrative return of 15% on their holdings. This yield signifies the ecosystem's appreciation of your support and commitment.

Additionally, as a dedicated staking member of the Brickkeneers community, you become eligible for a range of benefits and utilities. While specific details and advantages remain to be unveiled, be assured that they are designed to provide even more value to the Brickkeneers.


Yearly Yield: 15%

Min. Lockup Period: No Lockup

Staking Duration: 12 Months

Duration: Perpetual

Full T&C:


  1. Go to
  2. Connect your wallet containing $BKN
  3. Switch to Ethereum Mainnet
  4. Choose the amount to stake and click “Deposit”


Example 1

John deposited 10.000 $BKN on January 1, 2024. John plans to hold long-term and is of no need for liquidity so John stakes for the duration of 1 year and choose to withdraw his stake on January 1, 2024. Since 1 year has passed, he can withdraw his stake plus the full yield, 11.500 $BKN

Example 2

Sara also deposited 10.000 $BKN on January 1, 2024. She plans to hold for the full duration of 1 year but is in need of liquidity 6 months after initially staking. She decides to unstake early, and will therefore withdraw 6 months after depositing:

10.000*(1+7.5%*0.33) = 10.750 $BKN

Ejemplo 3

Chris depositó 5.000$ BKN el 1 de septiembre de 2023. Chris compra más BKN el 1 de octubre de 2023 y también quiere apostarlos. Vuelve a apostar con el mismo monedero, pero tendrá que desapostar la cantidad total una vez que decida hacerlo. Por supuesto, puede volver a apostar para obtener también un rendimiento con respecto al rendimiento obtenido anteriormente.


¿Existe la posibilidad de apostar en BSC?

Las apuestas solo están disponibles en Ethereum.

¿Puedo deshacer mis $ BKN?

Puedes desapostar en cualquier momento sin incurrir en ninguna penalización.

¿Puedo apostar mi WBKN?

Solo se pueden apostar $ BKN líquidos.

¿Necesito gasolina para apostar mis $BKN?

Sí, necesitas $ ETH para apostar y deshacer tus $ BKN.

¿De dónde proviene la asignación de rendimiento?

La tesorería de Brickken.

¿Mi rendimiento es capitalizante?

No lo es, a menos que decidas desapostar y, a continuación, volver a apostar la cantidad total.

¿Se cerrarán las bóvedas de estacado?

Es posible que las bóvedas cierren en un futuro próximo.

Descargo de responsabilidad

Este documento es solo para fines educativos y experimentales.

Debido a diversos riesgos e incertidumbres, incluidos, entre otros, los desarrollos tecnológicos y las condiciones de la industria, el rendimiento y el desarrollo reales de los elementos descritos en este documento pueden diferir materialmente de los reflejados o contemplados en este documento.

$BKN tiende un puente entre Ethereum y Binance Smart Chain

El $BKN puede unirse oficialmente a Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Esta decisión se tomó teniendo en cuenta la Ronda Pública y su calendario diario de publicación de derechos. En consecuencia, los participantes de la ronda pública reclamarán sus fichas directamente en BSC para garantizar que cobren comisiones bajas.

Esto también significa que, como titular de $BKN, puedes mover fichas entre las 2 cadenas y, en el futuro, interactuar con varias dApps de cualquiera de las 2 cadenas.

Este es un paso inicial para pasar a la multicadena tanto para $BKN como para Token Suite.

¿Qué plataforma Bridging se utiliza?

$BKN se puentea usando los agujeros de gusano Puente Portal Token.

¿Cómo puedo unir mis fichas?

Vídeo explicativo:

  1. Ir a
  2. En la pestaña Tokens, elige la cadena de origen y destino (ETH -> BSC /BSC -> ETH)
  3. Conecta tu monedero
  4. Pegue la dirección BKN de la cadena de origen (consulte los contratos a continuación)
  5. Siga las instrucciones del vídeo

Contrato de token BSC: 0x0E28BC9B03971E95ACF9AE1326E51ECF9C55B498

Contrato de token ETH: 0x0A638F07ACC6969ABF392BB009F216D22ADEA36D

¿Cómo consigo que mis BSC $BKN aparezcan en mi monedero?

El contrato de token de BSC es: 0x0E28BC9B03971E95ACF9AE1326E51ECF9C55B498

Sigue este tutorial:

Asegúrese de cambiar la red a BSC y agregar el contrato de token anterior

¿Habrá liquidez en USD BKN en BSC?

Independientemente de si tienes $ BKN en Ethereum o BSC, puedes mover los tokens a la Bolsa Centralizada y comerciar. No es necesario ir y venir para intercambiar tus fichas.

¿Puedo reclamar mis fichas de la ronda pública en BSC?

Sí, uno de los principales motivos para reducir el BKN fue garantizar comisiones de transacción más bajas para los Brickkeneers que querían reclamar sus tokens de forma recurrente de acuerdo con la concesión de derechos sin incurrir en comisiones significativas por hacerlo. Por lo tanto, los tokens solo serán reclamables en BSC y, más adelante, sería deseable volver a utilizarlos en Ethereum.

¿Se puede trasladar wBKN al BSC?

No hay puente para el WBKn. La solicitud después del período de apuesta, o el canjeo 1 año después de cotizar en bolsa, se realizará de forma nativa en Ethereum.

¿Puedo unir $BKN entre las dos cadenas?

Sí, puedes transferir tus tokens BSC a ETH o viceversa si se originan en Ethereum.

¿Los clientes pueden tokenizar en BSC?

La Token Suite se está expandiendo actualmente a BSC como un primer paso para convertirse en independiente de la cadena de bloques

¿Tengo que pagar gasolina por el traslado?

Sí, cada puente implica el pago de gas por la transacción realizada.

El $wBKN

El $wBKN solo se emitió durante la ronda comunitaria inicial como un mecanismo para proporcionar a los inversores un $BKN adquirido. El $wBKN se encuentra en una paridad de 1:1 con el $BKN

Contrato simbólico: 0xf6b6235f6725f84457f5d6f0b0aa3c962a079977

El $wBKN se puede cambiar por $BKN en julio de 2024. Brickken se comunicará y proporcionará la plataforma para que la permuta se acerque a esa fecha.

To do the conversion, deposit your $wBKN in the Conversion Vault before the conversion opens.

By doing so, you will be first to receive your $BKN.

Conversion Vault:

Estacas en WebKN

WBKn Staking ha estado disponible para los poseedores de fichas durante un período limitado. Los apostadores pueden ver su apuesta, así como la información relevante en Sitio web de staking.


  1. Does the wBKN have a price?

Since the wBKN is just a vested version of the BKN, it does not have an official price. However, every wBKN represents a 1:1 representation of a BKN which does have a price.

  1. How do I swap my WBKN?

The wBKN may be swapped on Ethereum Network. Go to and connect the wallet that has the WBKN in them, please make sure that you have enough ETH in your wallet.

  1. Can I still buy the wBKN?

No, the wBKN was in the early stages of the company and the community sales that were ongoing. You may purchase the BKN here: BKN Token - Brickken - Token Suite

  1. Can wBKN be moved onto BSC?

There is no bridge for the wBKN. Claiming after the staking period, or swapping 1 year after listing, will be done natively on Ethereum.

WBKN Staking/Swapping

  1. Can I still stake my WBKN?

No, the staking options for the wBKN are now closed. They were only available for some time. If you still have wBKN, swap it to BKN, and then you may stake your BKN at

  1. What is the difference between the wBKN conversion vault and the wBKN staking vaults?

When the wBKN was distributed to investors, Brickken created 3 Staking vaults for investors to get a return on wBKN if they decided to stake it with Brickken. These 3 vaults were only open for a limited period of time, and a lot of investors were left with their wBKN and nothing to do with them. That is why Brickken created the wBKN conversion vault, which takes deposited wBKN and swaps it for BKN. This conversion vault does NOT have a % APY associated with it.

  1. My wallet that was used for the staking is now compromised

The staking smart contracts are designed to enhance security and ensure that only the original wallet used for staking can claim the BKN. If your wallet has been compromised or lost, you will not be able to claim your BKN from the staking smart contracts using a different wallet. This measure is in place to prevent unauthorized access and ensure that the rightful owner of the staked tokens is the one who benefits from the staking process.

  1. I sent wBKN to token contract by accident

Please open a ticket with our support system at

  1. I cannot deposit my WBKN in the Conversion vault

Please make sure that you are trying to do the process from a desktop computer, preferably from a Chrome browser with your wallet provider’s extension installed on the browser. This will make sure that the wallet connection is successful. Also, please make sure that you have enough ETH to be able to pay the gas transaction fee when depositing the tokens into the swap.

  1. I cannot claim my swapped WBKN

Please make sure that you are trying to do the process from a desktop computer, preferably from a Chrome browser with your wallet provider’s extension installed on the browser. This will make sure that the wallet connection is successful. Also, please make sure that you have enough ETH to be able to pay the gas transaction fee when claiming the tokens from the swap.

  1. I claimed my swapped WBKN but now they do not appear in my wallet.

As the BKN is a custom token, it is necessary to import it for them to show up. Please import the tokens with this token contract: 0x0A638F07ACc6969abF392bB009f216D22aDEa36d

  1. I cannot claim my staked wBKN from the Staking Vaults

Please make sure that you are trying to do the process from a desktop computer, preferably from a Chrome browser with your wallet provider’s extension installed on the browser. This will make sure that the wallet connection is successful and make sure that the correct wallet is being connected. Also, please make sure that you have enough ETH to be able to pay the gas transaction fee when claiming the tokens from the staking.

  1. Why does the WBKN not have a price in my wallet?

The WBKN is a vested format of the BKN, therefore it is not listed on exchanges and therefore does not have a price. However, every WBKN is a 1:1 representation of BKN so the value will always be the same as BKN.

Where is my WBKN?

  1. How do I see my wBKN in my wallet?

You have to import the wBKN into your wallet to be able to see them, to do so, please look for the “Import Token” button inside your wallet. WBKN Address on ETH: 0xf6B6235f6725f84457f5D6f0b0Aa3c962A079977

  1. My wBKN have disappeared from my wallet, what happened?

It is possible that your wallet reset the imported tokens, so you might have to import the tokens into your wallet again to be able to see them. If you have imported your tokens and the amount of wBKN is still missing, then please check your wallet on the blockchain scan and see that latest transactions that have happened with your wallet.

  1. The site tells me that my wallet address is not on record

The smart contracts that Brickken has enabled for wBKN staking/conversion ONLY work with the ORIGINAL wallet that was used to purchase the tokens. Please confirm that the wallet you’re connecting to the Brickken site is the same that you used to originally purchase the tokens.

  1. Where are my WBKN that I bought from the pre-sale?

If you bought the WBKN from the pre-sale, then it was already distributed to the wallets of the initial investors. Please import the WBKN token contract into your wallet to check if they are already deposited there. WBKN Token Contract:

If issues persists, please email: [email protected]