New Tokenization on Brickken: CRB Token Health

New Tokenization on Brickken: CRB Token Health

We are excited to announce a new tokenization on Brickken’s digital assets platform, CRB Token Health. CRB Token Health is investing in Biocross, a pioneering biotech company, to enhance early and personalized diagnosis of critical diseases such as Alzheimer's, cardiovascular diseases, and type II diabetes mellitus.

$CRB Min. Investment: $500

Hard Cap: $100.000

Currency Accepted: USDC

Asset Class: Equity

About Biocross

Biocross is a spin-off of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and is at the forefront of biomedical research. Their innovative tests, e4Risk, and e4Quant, are designed to identify and quantify the ApoE4 biomarker, a significant indicator for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular conditions, and diabetes. These tests are not only simple and cost-effective but also hold the potential to become highly demanded products in the healthcare market.

CRB Token Health: Investing in the Future of Diagnostics

CRB Token Health aims to create value in healthcare by investing in early and personalized diagnostics. Their focus on Biocross’s technology reflects a strategic move toward addressing some of the most pressing health challenges of our time. 

By leveraging blockchain technology, CRB Token Health facilitates secure and transparent onboarding of capital through their token issuance in Brickken’s Digital Asset Suite. Capital that will be used to invest directly into Biocross. 

The Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

What sets Biocross apart from its competitors is the adaptability and compatibility of its diagnostics with all clinical analysis equipment used by laboratories. This flexibility ensures that their innovative tests can be integrated into existing healthcare infrastructures, broadening their potential impact and reach.

The Market Opportunity

The opportunity presented by this tokenization is substantial. With an estimated market of over 45 million people affected by neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases,  and type II diabetes mellitus, the demand for effective early diagnostics is enormous. The primary customers for Biocross's diagnostics include specialists in neurology, cardiology, and endocrinology, whose ability to diagnose and treat patients could be significantly enhanced by the inclusion of the ApoE4 biomarker.

Roadmap and Future Plans

Following the successful fundraising, CRB Token Health plans to implement a comprehensive market approach targeting Spain, Portugal, and Mexico.

The strategy includes raising awareness through seminars, webinars, and conferences, as well as extending the use of the tests to new pathologies related to lipid metabolism. In the longer term, the goal is to expand into other markets, including Latin America (LATAM), the European Union (EU), and the Middle East (ME). Additionally, obtaining the In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR) marking is a key milestone to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and to facilitate broader market adoption.

Solving Critical Healthcare Problems

The core objective of this investment is to tackle the significant problem of delayed or inaccurate diagnosis of major diseases. By enabling early detection through Biocross’s advanced diagnostics, healthcare providers can improve treatment outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and ultimately save lives. This solution not only addresses a critical healthcare need but also presents a lucrative financial opportunity due to the high demand for effective diagnostic tools.


The tokenization of CRB Token Health’s investment in Biocross represents a groundbreaking advancement in the healthcare sector. initiative is aimed to make a significant impact on the early diagnosis and treatment of severe diseases. As the project progresses, it holds the promise of not only improving healthcare outcomes but also delivering robust returns for investors. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting journey as CRB Token Health and Biocross work together to shape the future of healthcare diagnostics.

For more information and updates on this tokenization, follow their socials to learn more:

CRB Token Health:
