Real world asset tokenization: A New Era of fundraising and investing

Real world asset tokenization: A New Era of fundraising and investing

The world of finance is on the cusp of a transformative era driven by blockchain technology. One of the most exciting advancements in this space is real world asset tokenization (RWA). This revolutionary process involves creating digital representations of traditional assets like real estate, art, or intellectual property on a blockchain.

For blockchain and crypto natives, as well as business owners, understanding real world asset tokenization offers a glimpse into a future with increased accessibility, liquidity, and efficiency in financial markets. This article explores its benefits, the process itself, and how Brickken is helping shape the future of digital assets.

Understanding real world assets

Real world asset tokenization involves converting physical and traditional financial assets into digital tokens on a blockchain. These assets can range from real estate, commodities, and art to stocks, debt, and bonds. The concept is simple yet revolutionary: by tokenizing these assets, we create digital representations that can be easily traded, transferred, and divided. This process is made possible through Brickken’s Digital Asset Suite, which provides the necessary infrastructure and tools.

Why tokenize real world assets?

Traditional financial markets often face limitations when it comes to asset ownership and investment. Real estate, for example, requires significant capital to invest in, while art and collectibles can be difficult to value and trade. This is where real world asset tokenization steps in, offering a multitude of advantages:

  • Increased liquidity: Tokenization allows for the fractional ownership of assets. This means a single, high-value asset can be divided into smaller, more manageable tokens, making them accessible to a wider range of investors. This significantly increases the liquidity of traditionally illiquid assets.
  • Enhanced efficiency: Blockchain technology optimizes the transaction process. Smart contracts, automate tasks and eliminate the need for intermediaries, reducing costs and speeding up transactions.
  • Improved transparency and security: Ownership records are immutably stored on a secure ledger, the blockchain, providing complete transparency and eliminating the risk of fraud or manipulation.
  • Democratization of investment: It opens doors for a broader investor base. Anyone with an internet connection can potentially invest in previously inaccessible assets like fine art or venture capital funds.
  • New investment opportunities: Paving the way for innovative financial products, fractional ownership unlocks new investment strategies and allows for the creation of new asset classes and financial instruments.

The tokenization process explained

The process essentially involves converting a real world asset into a digital asset on a blockchain. The process begins with identifying an asset to tokenize. This asset is then digitized, creating a unique token on a blockchain. Every token represents a share of the underlying asset. For instance, if a piece of real estate is tokenized, each token could represent a fraction of the property. These tokens can then be bought, sold, and traded on various platforms.

A key aspect of the process is ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards. Brickken’s Digital Asset Suite excels in all these areas, offering advanced on-chain asset management and compliance tools that simplify the digital asset lifecycle for businesses.

Here's a simplified breakdown of the process:

  1. Asset selection & evaluation: The asset is carefully evaluated, and its legal and financial status is thoroughly vetted.
  2. Structure design: The asset owner determines the optimal tokenization structure, including the total number of tokens and their value.
  3. Regulatory compliance: Ensure adherence to all relevant regulations and legal frameworks throughout the process.
  4. Token offering: The digital assets are issued and made available for purchase to investors on the platform.
  5. Asset Management: Once the initial offering is complete, the issuer can keep track of investor engagement, automate profit sharing, and manage your digital assets with total transparency.

The future of real world assets 

Several industries are already experiencing the benefits of asset tokenization. Real estate is a prime example, where properties can be tokenized to allow for fractional ownership, making it easier for investors to diversify their portfolios. The DeFi sector is also embracing the movement, unlocking real world value by integrating RWAs into decentralized finance.

The potential applications of real world asset tokenization extend far beyond traditional financial markets. Here's a glimpse into the exciting future that lies ahead:

  • Democratizing art ownership: Tokenization allows art enthusiasts to participate in the ownership of iconic artworks through fractionalized shares. This opens doors for a wider audience to invest in the art market.
  • Intellectual property management: Creative assets like patents and copyrights can be tokenized, facilitating secure licensing and royalty distribution.
  • Streamlining fundraising: Startups and businesses can leverage tokenization to raise capital more efficiently by issuing asset-backed tokens, attracting a broader investor base.

As regulatory frameworks evolve and technological advancements continue, the RWA space is poised to reshape the way we interact with and invest in assets. 

The role of the Brickken digital asset platform

Brickken is a leading digital asset tokenization platform, offering robust solutions for businesses and investors. Our user-friendly interface and advanced features simplify the process, ensuring regulatory compliance and making it accessible to a broader market through seamless blockchain integration. The platform supports any asset class, including real estate, startups, and institutional assets, ensuring comprehensive support for any investment need. 

Fundraising and capital raising through digital assets

One of the most significant advantages of tokenization is its impact on fundraising. Traditional fundraising methods often involve high costs and lengthy processes. It improves this by enabling businesses to issue digital tokens that represent shares of their assets. These tokens can be sold to raise capital, offering a more efficient and cost-effective way to attract investors.

Moreover, it democratizes investment opportunities. By breaking down assets into smaller, more affordable tokens, it allows a broader range of investors to participate. This inclusivity not only benefits investors but also provides businesses with access to a larger pool of potential capital.


Real world asset tokenization presents a transformative opportunity for the financial landscape, by unlocking liquidity, enhancing efficiency, and creating new investment avenues. This on it own paves the way for a more inclusive and dynamic financial ecosystem. As this space continues to grow, platforms like ours will play a crucial role in shaping the future of finance. As the blockchain ecosystem continues to mature, the possibilities for RWAs are truly limitless